CCNY Student Experience – Shreya Kannan
Being a CCNY student amidst all of the current confusion is a unique yet familiar experience. We have experienced the transition of a virtual “lockdown” during COVID-19, but the chilling reality of the reason behind the current lockdown is unavoidable. We see students being loaded onto buses to get arrested while we watch from our homes, having to attend courses the next morning as usual. We watch students struggle to get their needs met with little to no consideration for their well being- colleges are aware of the effects that students can have politically, and they want to crush these protests before they take effect. On the other hand, it is a struggle with student opinions- do I support a cause I highly morally align with, or do I protect my personal safety and not get involved? Students are being put through a moral dilemma, as well as a dilemma of physical safety for students of all religious denominations.