Being a student at CCNY in 2024 can be very different depending on what department you are a part of from an academic point of view. I used to be a biology B.S. major, thinking that I would be in lectures with entertaining yet challenging material with great professors. My first semester was mostly like that as I got really lucky with my selection. However, starting the following semester, I learned how hard it is to find good professors, especially for the more advanced courses. Some courses did not even have professors with decent ratings, so it was a matter of how much more difficult my semester was going to be. On top of that, my previous department lacks professors in general to offer multiple sections for students to take. So, I switched to psychology B.S. because of my friends’ experience taking their classes, my own research on the professors, and the relevance of the major to my career. Currently, with the protests happening, I think there needs to be major changes made to end the murders and bombings, so I support the protests. Maybe encampment is not the best way of protesting, but students have been protesting for a while now and barely any changes have been made. Our money is going to fund people abroad rather than the students here who are going more in debt because of the high cost of living. Additionally, with the presidential election coming up, it does not seem like a good time for not just students, but people in America in general.