I actually agree with how the low scorers are gatekeeped from accessing better quality education. Let’s be honest, everyone is at first are all stupid which is why we all go to school to get better education. The question here is why do we have to be smart to be able to get smarter? Shouldn’t everyone get an equal opportunities to receive the same sought-for higher education? Yes I agree that students that don’t do well on their courses deserves to be failed, but I do not agree with the dismissal of that student for failing many times. I believe that acceptance should be based on how motivated the students are to study because anyone can have a very good test scores but ends up completely unmotivated to learn. That’s all my thoughts. Anyone who disagrees with me can discuss it with me through dm on my PS message. Psn account: gio068rgio
Note: I don’t like using the word unintelligent but this is America, freedom of speech applies here too.
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One Comment
Giorgio Winchester Wirawan (He/Him/His)
I actually agree with how the low scorers are gatekeeped from accessing better quality education. Let’s be honest, everyone is at first are all stupid which is why we all go to school to get better education. The question here is why do we have to be smart to be able to get smarter? Shouldn’t everyone get an equal opportunities to receive the same sought-for higher education? Yes I agree that students that don’t do well on their courses deserves to be failed, but I do not agree with the dismissal of that student for failing many times. I believe that acceptance should be based on how motivated the students are to study because anyone can have a very good test scores but ends up completely unmotivated to learn. That’s all my thoughts. Anyone who disagrees with me can discuss it with me through dm on my PS message. Psn account: gio068rgio
Note: I don’t like using the word unintelligent but this is America, freedom of speech applies here too.