One Comment

  • Dr. Jean Park (She/her/hers)

    Notes from Sydney Johnson

    Your notes were really comprehensive, and I was able to get a clear sense of the progression of admissions requirements over time. Something I noticed was that throughout history, from the inception of colleges to the modern day, there have always been measures in place that keep certain people out of colleges. Its a little disheartening that despite the fact that colleges have been operational for centuries, we as a society have never established a way to make college accessible for all. We have to compete so hard to be where we are. I hope that future generations are able to crack the code that allows everyone to have this opportunity. I know this comment will fuel my “cynical” reputation (don’t worry, I’m appreciate many things in life, in fact I’ve never been seen as cynical before until now). Your presentation in class was amazing as well, I find it so interesting how colleges such as ccny and so many others have been open for centuries, and we are still going here today, and yet in that time they have changed so drastically. Great job guiding us through this timeline 🙂

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