One Comment

  • Navdeep Badhan (He/Him)

    During this week, I was reading the assigned Thelin pages and doing the CUNY Digital Archive assignment simultaneously. The archive I selected pertained to LaGuardia Community College’s (LGA CC’s) founding and its mission objectives. I learned about how LGA CC aimed to accomodate non-traditional students into higher education by establishing programs that took the special needs of different groups into consideration. When Thelin mentions the changing profile of students, he makes a little remark to the increase in usage of the term “non-traditional student.” It seems that it is during this time period where it was acknowledged that incoming students were not always straight from highschool, planning to enroll part time in undergraduate studies and then continue to graduate studies. Generally, LGA CC’s operation does seem different from how Thelin describes community college, however this might be because the archives I looked into higlighted the non-traditional groups, with little mention of traditional students. Nonetheless, a major focus for LGA CC was immediate career/workplace readiness, whereas community colleges are also largely seen as a stepping stone to 4-year institutions. Alexander Astin is a big opp.

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